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Your Newborn Photoshoot

Time & Location

Please try to arrive on or as very close to the appointment time as possible to avoid overlapping with other sessions. Should you happen to be running late (as I know leaving the house with a Newborn is like Mission Possible at times) please contact me as soon as possible on 07703019589.

On arrival please knock on the door and I will come to greet you. The Studio is strictly appointment only so I always keep the door locked.



Please ensure you bring the correct money to pay the balance as I don’t usually carry cash to give change.


Address - Bex Peoples Photography, 8 Broadway, Fleetwood, FY7 7DH


Top Tips for Preparing for your Newborn Photoshoot


Bring Baby hungry

I know this is difficult to do as Newborns feed in irregular patterns / cluster feed at first (especially when breastfeeding) but try as hard as you can to bring them ready for a feed. This way we can get them all snuggy and wrapped up for the feed so when they nod off we aren’t disturbing them again to redress them.


Bring supplies – for both Baby and yourselves

The Newborn Photography Sessions can take up to 3 hours so bring enough bottles / nappies /Dummies (a couple at least in case any get dropped to save time sterilizing) and snacks to keep you all going. I will be more than happy to play at Tea / Coffee lady though so don’t worry about bringing a flask!!


Dress yourselves in layers

During the session we need to get the studio very warm for Baby so be ready to strip off! Don’t forget to plan your outfit either if you are getting in on some of the images – some parents like to wear complimenting colours / muted tones.


Enjoy it!

If you are anxious about ANY part of the session share your concerns with me and I will talk you through it. I want you to look back with fond memories of the day – let me do all the hard work and have a little well-deserved break (you can even shoehorn in a snooze if you like!)


As a very busy photographer I tell all my clients to expect their Online Albums to be edited and ready is about 4 Weeks from the date of the shoot, however I do always send an image on the evening of the session so you have something to keep you going. This is usually via my Facebook Business Page but it can me sent as a private message if you would prefer just let me know if this is the case.


… one final thing - if you share your images on social media please could you give me the odd tag @BexPeoplesPhotography or Hashtag #BexPeoplesPhotography - As a small company this really goes a long way and helps spread the word of the standard of images I offer to my clients.


Thanks - I look forward to meeting you all


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